Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Self Image: Activity 2

Do you believe that media images or public opinion are responsible for the characteristics of beauty becoming universal stereotypes?

The characteristics of what beauty is has evolved over time. Media such as advertisements, magazines, movies, and television shows influence the characteristics of beauty. Beauty is sometimes stereotypical amongst celebrities, but in everyday, many people have become aware of the negative influences of what the media depicts as beautiful. Media images are responsible for the characteristics of beauty becoming universal stereotypes; however, opinions also play a major role because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Do you believe people admiring media images of glamorous models can do any harm?

I personally believe that excessively admiring media images of models can do harm. Girls who aren't comfortable with their bodies look at magazines and wonder why they don't look like that. However, girls and boys compare themselves to people they see in real life. It is a humanistic trait and takes years to learn to control. Media enhances the speed in which young teens become aware of their body and that becomes harmful.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self Image: Activity 1

1. Age/Generation: I am a teenage girl, and this picture portrays our generation because the expectations are that we just gossip and text people. And this is accurate

2. Gender: Women are usually depicted as the less dominate and delicate. This image of Rosie the Riveter shows that even though I am a girl, I am just as capable as a boy. 

3. Race: Being white brings many stereotypes that a lot of people aren't even aware of. Girls are perceived as if we believe we're better than everyone else, that we're dumb, and that we don't have any sense of priorities. These stereotypes can be harmful to ones self esteem and self perception.

4. Religion: My religion is Catholic. I was taught to always be thankful for the things that I have, and to treat others how I would like to be treated. I don't think religion defines people. It's the type of person you are, and if religion is what thrives you to make a change, then so be it.    

5. Class/Caste: I see myself as being in the middle class. My family is average and I think I see myself as being apart of the average working class, but eventually creating a better life more my future family.

6. My Personality is ambivert. This means I have a balance of being introverted and extroverted. I am made up of a little bit of both, so it's the best of both worlds.

7. Intelligence: I would describe myself as fairly intelligent. I chose this picture because Elle was never taken serious and wasn't thought of as smart because of how she dressed, talked, and her hair color.

8. I don't affiliate myself with any particular party. It's not that I don't care, I just haven't decided what party I belong to.